Filing Cabinet Redo

Filing cabinets are ugly.  There’s no two ways about it.  So when my husband and I found a super cheap ($15!!!!!) used filing cabinet, I knew we had to have it, and that I was destined to make it pretty!

Obviously the poor thing needed a new coat of paint, and for this we opted to use an appliance epoxy.  It was definitely a messier decision than regular prime-n-spray paint, but will provide a more durable finish.  If I had wanted to do a crazy color we would’ve had to go with spray paint though, since appliance epoxy only comes in neutrals.

After a couple coats of epoxy (I severely underestimated how sticky and messy that stuff was!!!), I set to work with the scrapbook paper I’d picked out for the fronts of the drawers, and a nice new bottle of Modge Podge!  I carefully applied a thin layer of Modge Podge between the paper and the drawers, pressed any air bubbles out, let it dry, then applied a protective coat of Modge Podge over the front of the paper for a nice finish.  Finally, I used an exacto knife to cut out where the handles were,  and WAH-LAH!!!!  I had a beautiful, one-of-a-kind filing cabinet!!!

Filing Cabinet Before2          Filing Cabinet After2

What it cost me:  $15 for the cabinet;  $4 for scrapbook paper from Michael’s (who has coupons EVERY WEEK!!!);  $4 for Modge Podge;  $2 for sponge brush to apply Modge Podge;  $8 for two cans of appliance epoxy = $33 for a “new” filing cabinet!!!!!  Considering that these sell brand new (and boring) for about $150, I’d say that’s a deal!  🙂

About diycrazydaisy

Photographer, teacher, dancer, artist, creative gal, DIYer

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