DIY Starburst Mirror

Our poor fireplace mantle in the living room has been naked since we moved in exactly one year ago.  But now, thanks to my new homemade starburst project, it’s naked no more!   Truth be told, I’ve been working on this for months now, not because it’s a difficult project, but because I got so dang busy with other projects!   Once I found the time, all I needed otherwise was some wood scraps, paint, dowel rods & a round mirror….. I spent a total of only about $10!!!!


So here’s how it all came together…..

Step 1:  Figure out the pattern of the background wood, securing the pieces together with dowels & wood glue.


Making sure it was a good size for above the mantle:


Step 2:  Paint the boards any color you want!  I, of course, chose a turquoise blue since I’m obsessed with that color!  🙂

Step 3:  Once the paint is dry, center the mirror & hot glue it in place.


Step 4:  Cut dowel rods to desired length, depending on how you’d like your starburst to look.  I cut mine to 12″ and 6″.


Step 5:  Paint the dowel rods.  I’m sure spray painting would’ve been faster, but I didn’t feel like dealing with the mess or with going outside, so I used the ole paint/brush method.  🙂

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Step 6:  Using whatever pattern you’d like, hot glue the dowel rods around the edge of the mirror.  I suggest doing a preliminary check and laying them all out where you think you’ll want them to go BEFORE actually gluing them down…. just in case you change your mind on the pattern or anything.  🙂


After that, you’re done!  Super simple, super cheap, and super AWESOME!!!!  I love the way it looks above our fireplace!  🙂




About diycrazydaisy

Photographer, teacher, dancer, artist, creative gal, DIYer


  1. Hey Girl. Well done!! I keep wondering, and maybe this is a dumb question as I know they are insulated, but is there a chance that the chimney will get warm enough to possibly melt the hot glue? xoxo

    • Sorry I just now got around to replying to this, oops! No, I don’t think there’s any chance at all that the chimney will get that hot. Plus, the stone keeps the starburst from being flush up against the wall part of the chimney, if that makes sense. 🙂

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