Category Archives: Home Decor

DIY Simple Bathroom Shelf

With two bathrooms in our house that don’t have a lot of storage (the master bathroom is SUPER small), I wanted to make a small wall shelf for each of them, but of course I wanted it to be super

DIY Simple Bathroom Shelf

With two bathrooms in our house that don’t have a lot of storage (the master bathroom is SUPER small), I wanted to make a small wall shelf for each of them, but of course I wanted it to be super

DIY Starburst Mirror

Our poor fireplace mantle in the living room has been naked since we moved in exactly one year ago.  But now, thanks to my new homemade starburst project, it’s naked no more!   Truth be told, I’ve been working on

DIY Starburst Mirror

Our poor fireplace mantle in the living room has been naked since we moved in exactly one year ago.  But now, thanks to my new homemade starburst project, it’s naked no more!   Truth be told, I’ve been working on

DIY Headboard

I’d always wanted a nice soft headboard to lean against, for those evenings when I want to sit in bed and read or watch television.  But EVERYthing I looked at to buy in stores or online was incredibly expensive &

DIY Headboard

I’d always wanted a nice soft headboard to lean against, for those evenings when I want to sit in bed and read or watch television.  But EVERYthing I looked at to buy in stores or online was incredibly expensive &