Posts Tagged: diy

DIY Simple Bathroom Shelf

With two bathrooms in our house that don’t have a lot of storage (the master bathroom is SUPER small), I wanted to make a small wall shelf for each of them, but of course I wanted it to be super

DIY Simple Bathroom Shelf

With two bathrooms in our house that don’t have a lot of storage (the master bathroom is SUPER small), I wanted to make a small wall shelf for each of them, but of course I wanted it to be super


DIY Sliding Double Doors

So, here’s the deal….. we have a “pass through” laundry area…… not my favorite thing in the world, but hey, at least it’s not laundry in the garage….. something I REALLY wanted to avoid when we were looking for a


DIY Sliding Double Doors

So, here’s the deal….. we have a “pass through” laundry area…… not my favorite thing in the world, but hey, at least it’s not laundry in the garage….. something I REALLY wanted to avoid when we were looking for a

DIY Starburst Mirror

Our poor fireplace mantle in the living room has been naked since we moved in exactly one year ago.  But now, thanks to my new homemade starburst project, it’s naked no more!   Truth be told, I’ve been working on

DIY Starburst Mirror

Our poor fireplace mantle in the living room has been naked since we moved in exactly one year ago.  But now, thanks to my new homemade starburst project, it’s naked no more!   Truth be told, I’ve been working on

DIY Raised Veggie Garden ~ Part 2

Another weekend, another beautiful Saturday to finish my raised veggie garden.  Except that we didn’t finish it.  Again.  ***sigh***  Joshua and I tried to tackle too many projects in one afternoon, and we got SOOOOO CLOSE to finishing this one,

DIY Raised Veggie Garden ~ Part 2

Another weekend, another beautiful Saturday to finish my raised veggie garden.  Except that we didn’t finish it.  Again.  ***sigh***  Joshua and I tried to tackle too many projects in one afternoon, and we got SOOOOO CLOSE to finishing this one,

DIY Starter Trellis

This year I have been growing flowers from seeds for my flower beds out front.  Among the ones I’m most excited about are the vining ones….. Morning Glories & Cardinal Climbers!  So far they are doing WONDERFULLY and are growing

DIY Starter Trellis

This year I have been growing flowers from seeds for my flower beds out front.  Among the ones I’m most excited about are the vining ones….. Morning Glories & Cardinal Climbers!  So far they are doing WONDERFULLY and are growing

DIY Cabinet Chalkboard

I really LOVE making lists, especially when it comes to what I need from the store, or what I need to do on a given day.  So I was really excited to make one large chalkboard on the inside of

DIY Cabinet Chalkboard

I really LOVE making lists, especially when it comes to what I need from the store, or what I need to do on a given day.  So I was really excited to make one large chalkboard on the inside of

DIY Raised Veggie Garden ~ Part 1

I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I wasn’t going to have a vegetable garden this year.  It just wasn’t in our budget to buy the supplies needed to build the raised beds properly like I wanted

DIY Raised Veggie Garden ~ Part 1

I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I wasn’t going to have a vegetable garden this year.  It just wasn’t in our budget to buy the supplies needed to build the raised beds properly like I wanted

DIY Jewelry Frame

This is a project that I’ve seen done many different ways by fellow DIYers.  So while it’s not a completely original idea, this is my take on making a jewelry holder/organizer out of a frame. WHAT YOU WILL NEED:  A

DIY Jewelry Frame

This is a project that I’ve seen done many different ways by fellow DIYers.  So while it’s not a completely original idea, this is my take on making a jewelry holder/organizer out of a frame. WHAT YOU WILL NEED:  A

Filing Cabinet Redo

Filing cabinets are ugly.  There’s no two ways about it.  So when my husband and I found a super cheap ($15!!!!!) used filing cabinet, I knew we had to have it, and that I was destined to make it pretty!

Filing Cabinet Redo

Filing cabinets are ugly.  There’s no two ways about it.  So when my husband and I found a super cheap ($15!!!!!) used filing cabinet, I knew we had to have it, and that I was destined to make it pretty!

DIY Headboard

I’d always wanted a nice soft headboard to lean against, for those evenings when I want to sit in bed and read or watch television.  But EVERYthing I looked at to buy in stores or online was incredibly expensive &

DIY Headboard

I’d always wanted a nice soft headboard to lean against, for those evenings when I want to sit in bed and read or watch television.  But EVERYthing I looked at to buy in stores or online was incredibly expensive &